It was therapy day, I think my therapist’s goal in life is to get me to cry. We joke about it, but it is not all bad. Crying is very cleansing and it helps me know I am not dead inside. I feel things deeply, so deeply that it can be overwhelming. I ask a lot […]

Today is my oldest daughter’s 22nd birthday. I’m filled with joy, I’m filled with awe, I’m filled with wonder, I’m filled with love and more than that, I’m filled with a knowledge of the miraculous. But, with those wonderful feelings… a sadness persists. A sadness that creeps into my heart and turns to anger. Turns […]

Last week I lost a friend. I lost her to death. It is a sadness that is hard to explain as I know  she was such a strong believer in Jesus, and had been a widow for years. I know she was getting tired. Tired of trudging through each day wondering why she was still […]

This was a tough read. filled with angst from page one almost to the end. It was one of those books that you can only take in small bites, but want to keep reading to see how it will all come out. I found tears rolling from my eyes over and over. I was having […]

  That face you make when you have had a break through during therapy and you do not know what to do with the information…  

What can you do with feelings when they over run you, when they bombard you with ferocity? My eyelids burn with the pressure of unshed tears. My heart aches. I have no power to change what assails me. I cry out as David did in the Psalms. I ask God to take away the burden, […]

I have had my blog for two years. I started this journey because I had to do something to address the overwhelming need inside me to speak to the world. As I have walked the path to use my voice, I have somehow quieted. I always thought I would find more and more to say. […]

“After I Do”, by Taylor Jenkins Reid I loved this book so much I read it in about a day and a half. It was one of those reads that felt like the characters were people you knew, people you would like, and they sucked me in right away. I was happy with them, I was sad […]

The Christmas season has finally wound down and I feel like I can finally relax a bit. When you are married to a pastor and work in the church office, Christmas is actually the busiest time of the year. Easter is also a very busy time, however it does not come with as many expectations […]

Tis the season to be… Some would say jolly, some might say caring or kind or giving. I say it is the season of waiting, of expectation, of hope. That is what Advent is all about. It is the time before Christmas when we remember that a baby is coming. A very special baby. One that […]